spamJam to the rescue!

A while ago when I was a guest blogger on Bruce Elgort's blog, I wrote about the amount of SPAM I was receiving and how big my body parts were getting with all the pills I could take. Well lately it's only been getting worse.
We'd implemented many of the cool new server features in Domino 6.x like open relay black listing to try and slow the flow and I'd even setup some server based mail rules, but it was not enough. I was probably getting about 40-50 spam mails a day, with another 40 blocked each day by the rules.
So who should come to the rescue but Granite Software with spamJam. Granite are part of the Penumbra group, which is a pretty good bunch of folks who tend to be responsible solution providers, so I wasn't too worried about having the spamJam application installed on our server. The installation took about 20 minutes to setup, and is now running quite happily. In it's first full day of use it blocked all my SPAM, and everyone else in the organisation had similar results.
I'm worried I might start to feel a little inadequate in the family jewels department if this continues though.
Posted by Chris Miller At 04:21:10 PM On 11/05/2003 | - Website - |