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For any British Ex-Pats living in the US...

That dearly miss a good (real bacon) bacon buttie, then get a tissue ready to wipe up the drool, and check out this site http://www.higherdesign.com/brownsauce/baconbutties.htm

Cue Homer Simpson sound, of oooooooohhhhhh

Growing up, our family was a HP Sauce family, no Daddies sauce for us. Fortunately I never grew a liking for my Dad's Sardines and Brown sauce sandwichs and Dad if you're reading this, that is just weird.

Boy that site has now got me thinking of a big fat chip buttie, oooh must stop....

On a side note, my local Stop and Shop does now sell Irish bacon which is the same as British bacon, now all I need to find is a place that sells black pudidng...


Gravatar Image1 - Black pudding -- that's just gross.

Gravatar Image2 - Ed, I have to agree with you there, bits of stuff brushed up off the floor and left to set in dried animals blood, they don't even have the decency to put it in a little skin bag like they do with sausages

Gravatar Image3 - A fry-up is not a fry-up without black pudding, although my dad's sunday morning special of black pudding butties really tested my affinity at times. I have to say though, mate, sardines and brown sauce is pretty weird....

Gravatar Image4 - The perfect bacon buttie has to be smoked bacon preferable dry cured to reduce shrinkage, HP brown sauce and good old white bread. Not the ridiculous cotton wool American white bread either. Only 'Mothers Pride' and 'Kingsmill' will do.

Gravatar Image5 - I've found a pub in Holland that does a great fryup - The Cafe de Bok in The Hague does a "Gerts special" (Gert is the man-mountain chef) bacon, sausage, fried eggs, mushrooms, onions, black pudding, white pudding, baked beans, fried bread, and loads of buttered toast - magnificent !

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