A suggestion for the programmer of the MSBlast Virus...
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I don't condone the writing of viruses, in fact having seen the damage done to other peoples machines by them I really despise them, I can't help but feel that the programmer of the MSBlast Virus really missed a great opportunity. I mean here we have someone that wrote some code to attack the Microsoft Windows Update site, what were they thinking, if they really want to do some harm to Microsoft here is what he/she should have done, attacked the Microsoft Activation site, you know, you install Windows XP or Office XP, and it keeps bugging you until it's connected to Microsoft and they give you permission to continue using the product you paid way too many dollars for, if he had attacked that site rather than the windows update site, think of the implications for Microsoft, customers wouldn't be able to activate on-line, they'd have to call Microsoft to activate, Microsoft would end up getting more calls, need more people to man the phones etc. etc. Customers would get such a bad taste in the mouth from the failed activation Microsoft might actually end up removing this pain in the arse addition to Windows...such a missed opportunity.
I don't condone the writing of viruses, in fact having seen the damage done to other peoples machines by them I really despise them, I can't help but feel that the programmer of the MSBlast Virus really missed a great opportunity. I mean here we have someone that wrote some code to attack the Microsoft Windows Update site, what were they thinking, if they really want to do some harm to Microsoft here is what he/she should have done, attacked the Microsoft Activation site, you know, you install Windows XP or Office XP, and it keeps bugging you until it's connected to Microsoft and they give you permission to continue using the product you paid way too many dollars for, if he had attacked that site rather than the windows update site, think of the implications for Microsoft, customers wouldn't be able to activate on-line, they'd have to call Microsoft to activate, Microsoft would end up getting more calls, need more people to man the phones etc. etc. Customers would get such a bad taste in the mouth from the failed activation Microsoft might actually end up removing this pain in the arse addition to Windows...such a missed opportunity.
Posted by Colin Williams At 07:19:02 AM On 08/14/2003 | - Website - |