So here I am
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Yes, peer pressure has finally got to me and I have started the dreaded blog. I'm trying to decide what to do with it, do I pull a Bridget Jones and track personal things like my weight with a little chart tracking my weight loss or lack of, and mention personal thoughts that can offend some and cheer up others, or do I take the more business like approach and fill it with thoughts on the wonderful but sometimes irritating world of Information Technology, and how it impacts people?
Well if you know me, you'll probably know I'm leaning more towards the personal with splashes of business now and again.
So back to the state of the current blog, well as you can see it's pretty empty so far. It's like my first house, I had some appliances, but I didn't have the other stuff that made it feel like a home for a while. (If you ever move house, always always buy a tin opener first, forget everything else, for some reason, you always need a tin opener) So for this site, I know I'll be adding Sametime Links (using our soon to be announced ST Links Extension product), links to all those other sites I find really valuable, links to picture galleries etc. the usual stuff. So until the next entry and updates, welcome!
Yes, peer pressure has finally got to me and I have started the dreaded blog. I'm trying to decide what to do with it, do I pull a Bridget Jones and track personal things like my weight with a little chart tracking my weight loss or lack of, and mention personal thoughts that can offend some and cheer up others, or do I take the more business like approach and fill it with thoughts on the wonderful but sometimes irritating world of Information Technology, and how it impacts people?
Well if you know me, you'll probably know I'm leaning more towards the personal with splashes of business now and again.
So back to the state of the current blog, well as you can see it's pretty empty so far. It's like my first house, I had some appliances, but I didn't have the other stuff that made it feel like a home for a while. (If you ever move house, always always buy a tin opener first, forget everything else, for some reason, you always need a tin opener) So for this site, I know I'll be adding Sametime Links (using our soon to be announced ST Links Extension product), links to all those other sites I find really valuable, links to picture galleries etc. the usual stuff. So until the next entry and updates, welcome!
Posted by Thomas Gumz At 07:19:14 PM On 07/02/2003 | - Website - |
Posted by Bruce Elgort At 09:21:23 AM On 07/03/2003 | - Website - |
Posted by Rock At 08:36:21 PM On 07/03/2003 | - Website - |