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Latest security warnings


The latest security warnings with regard to NYC, New Jersey and Washington are pretty interesting.  I'm still working in New Jersey and people around here seem to be a little spooked by the whole thing, with many having lost close friends on 9/11.  What's interesting is that the news papers today are saying that the warnings are based on intelligence found 3 years ago.  This leads to the question, did it take them 3 years to read it or 3 years to decide what to do about it?  I'm sure the conspiracy theory fans are going to love this fuel for their fire.


Gravatar Image1 - No, it simply took them three years to get to the day after the Democratic convention. It isn't about conspiracy, it is about blatant manipulation of people's fears for political purposes.

Seriously, do you think that surveillance information on security and traffic patterns around the New York Stock Exchange that were made before 9/11/2001 could possibly be accurate today? Besides the fact that 9/11 "changed everything", does anybody think security has stayed the same since then? If not, why are there suddenly machine gun toting police on the subways? No, it couldn't possibly be because polls for Bush (or any incumbent) always go up when people are scared. Grrrrr!

Gravatar Image2 - Well that is my thinking too, but when that comes from a foreigner a large percentage of Americans get very pissed off.

Gravatar Image3 - Have you seen Fahrenheit 911... scary...

Gravatar Image4 - Took them three years to find if. The info they got is three years old, but they just got it off some hard disk recently.

Gravatar Image5 - Here's the most balanced article I read on the subject.

Ben, of course intelligence will span many years. That's all part of it, and it should be in the report. All of the facts. All possible information gathered. This is very real stuff, not a political soap opera. It would have been irresponsible for them to exclude that information in the report, knowing it was more ammunition for the New York Times.

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