Fahrenheit 9/11
Went to see Michael Moore's latest movie today. As someone that thinks Bush is not the nicest of men, and hhm a liar there were not too many surprises in this film. I would only give the movie 3 out of 5 stars, as let's face it, Moore is as much of a nut as GW, just in a different way. He can build connections in a quick reference but you don't really know how connected the items are. A large part of the movie is focused on how "Bin Laden" family members quickly got out of the US after 9/11. Now this could be brothers and sisters of Osama, or "Bin Laden" could be as common as "Smith" in Saudi Arabia, I don't honestly know and this film doesn't say.
Some parts of the film didn't feel like they needed to be there, like a whole section on the Oregon State Troopers that didn't really fit in.
I suppose what this film points out more than anything, is how let down we have all been by the media. Todays news in the US pretty much seems to revolve around press releases issued by the goverment and talking about what the govermnet wants them to talk about. What has happened to investigative journalism? With so many channels, I think there is more money but spread more thinly so less money to spend on finding real stories.
A friend once told me that GW has a tell tale when he's nervous, which his biting his bottom right of his lip. Lots of shots in this movie had Bush chewing vigoursly.
They were true family members, but it's a huge family. Not quite as huge as the Saudi royal family, but something like 75 half-siblings due to legal polygamy combined with great wealth. Moore failed to mention that fact, allowing the impression that family ties must be as strong for bin Ladens as they are for the typical US family. Definitely not true. Still, I don't think that totally invalidates the point made by the FBI agent in the film, that interviewing family members of suspects is part of basic investigative procedure in any major crime, and there can be little doubt that bypassing this, which had to have been personally approved by W, could only have been the result of either stupidity or political cronyism. I'm not saying that another President wouldn't have been subject to the very same stupidity or cronyism, but that doesn't mean I excuse it either. I'm also not saying that Moore proved his point that Bush is in the Saudis' pocket, but that doesn't mean that I approve of US policy toward the Saudis either.
Posted by Richard Schwartz At 12:13:57 PM On 07/03/2004 | - Website - |