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Have people have become too comfortable with flying, or is it some people are just plain stupid?

One things the things any pilot does before taking off is weight and balance for their flight.  This involves knowing the weight of your passengers, which seat they'll sit in, how much fuel you'll be taking off with, how much fuel you'll have when you land, how much fuel you'll have during the flight, how much baggage is there, how much does the dog weigh?  Something I always tell people when then ask how many seats my plane has, is that it has 4 seats but that doesn't mean we can use them all.  Why does a pilot need all this information?  Because the pilot needs to know the plane will be operating within the planes limits and what is called the Center of Gravity (C.G.) envelope.  It's very easy for a lazy pilot to not be within the CG for a plane, which can lead to all sorts of problems, lower stall speed, instability, unexpected flight characteristics all bad things.  Any pilot worth their salt will do a weight and balance before taking off, along with checking the weather, Notices for airmen etc. it's the right thing to do.  If you've ever flown in small puddle jumpers, you may even have been asked to change seat to help the weight and balance.  This video, even though for Fligth Simulator still applies.

Balance in Microsoft Flight Simulator

So here's a pilot doing what he has to do, discovering that he needs to move some passengers to be within the planes CG, what do the passengers do, that have no experience as pilots, or any idea of what weight and balance calculations are?  They refuse to fly.  Mind you, they were from Newcastle and the whole idea of things flying, indoor toilets, electricity and the combustion engine are all voodoo magic to those folks


Gravatar Image1 - I think these were the same people that blamed the Continental pilot's heart attack on 8 yrs of Bush policies while another said his death was just reinforces of the reason they would never fly continental again!

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BTW, did you see the Mosley got canned and F1 is all good for 2010?

Gravatar Image2 - @1 I did see that about Max. Although he claimed he had planned it for months, BS. He did do this once before and bagged out at the last minute, will be interesting to see what happens.

In some ways I'm disappointed, I would have liked to have seen the back of Ecclescake too.

Gravatar Image3 - Bernie is on the short list (no pun intended)too... The Silverstone crowd is the next to last nail in his coffin. The next big thing is will "KoenigSaab" go F1 in 2013?

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