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Post your questions for the 1352 team

We'll shortly be recording the next installment of the 1352 report.  If you have a question or subject you'd like us to cover, no matter how idiotic you think it is, no matter what the subject matter, post it and we'll try and answer or discuss it.


Gravatar Image1 - What's it like to have your significant other Twitter and follow you? Pro's/con's?

What are your thoughts on OpenNTF and IBM's involvement? (Bruce can excuse himself from this, if he wants). Emoticon

Gravatar Image2 - What kinda Notes widgets are yous guys seeing in the wild? What are companies doing with this new tech?

Do you think UPS, Fedex, LinkedIn, etc., will develop their own widgets and offer for free? (think Apple app store)

There are 40 free Sharepoint templates. Thoughts?

I understand that DAOS requires transaction logging to be enabled... but let's take a step back first. What is the ideal setup for transaction logs? A separate hard disk?

Gravatar Image3 - What is the better solution - Notes Classic + Sametime or Notes Standard with embedded Sametime ? - pros / cons ?

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