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Somebody please buld this application

I have seen mobile phone applications that let you record some music from the radio, send it off and it will come back with the artist information etc.

I want a similar application but for bird songs.  I want to be able to hold my phone up, record a few seconds of a bird singing, send it off to the service and have it send back a picture of the bird and other details.

I've looked but I can't find anything. Anyone seen anything?


Gravatar Image1 - ChirJam for iPhone. We have an app for that too.

Gravatar Image2 - Check out EchoNest:

{ Link }

It doesn't do specifically what you're describing, but the analysis it provides could facilitate guesses about what bird it's hearing. Specifically, you could make this a social tagging app: somebody records birdsong and uploads it, someone else recognizes it and tags it, next time someone uploads birdsong from the same bird, it detects the similarity and assumes it's the same species.

Gravatar Image3 - How do you get the bird to lean into the microphone?


Gravatar Image4 - #3 You Seeduce them

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