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What I'd like to see at Lotusphere 2010


There have been lots of blogs about what people saw at Lotusphere 2009, I was going to do that but decided I'd rather post about the things I would like to see at Lotusphere 2010.

1) A session (or two) on IBM's strategy with regards to administration of all the different systems.  Connections Admin looks different to Domino, Sametime is different, Sametime Unified Telephony is different, all these product groups need to start working on some kind of super admin client or at least a consistent UI.   I'd also like to see how Connections and the other WAS products have management tools where you can change settings without editing properties files.

2) A lot more xpage components from 3rd party companies.  Think ASP.net UI components but for Domino web apps.  I was hoping IBM would surprise us and have a lot of these vendors announce something when 8.5 shipped, they didn't.

3) Less sessions that are 1 hour advertising slots for IBM Consulting Services.  If I presented as many slides in my presentation about why you should Epilio consulting services as the IGS presenters did (about IBM not Epilio), I wouldn't be invited back to present again.

4) An Opening General Session where the demonstrations tell a story and explain why a feature is of benefit versus the line "Isn't that easy" or "isn't that cool" without explaining why it even matters.  Sure many people can figure it out, but not everyone, give the attendees the story to tell their end users, give them the benefits.

5) More announcements in the Opening General Session. I had conflicts with most of the keynote sessions so didn't see or hear many of the side announcements until I got back to the office.  Which I think defeats to a certain extent the purpose of going to Lotusphere.

6) Announce the Lotus Award winners early in the Opening General Session, this year they were rushed and I don't feel they all got the credit they deserved.

7) More acknowledgment of community effortslike OpenNTF, ok this one actually was great, anyone that has read this blog for a while (in fact I suggested IBM thank OpentNTF back in 2004), this year IBM pulled it's finger out of it's butt, awoke and announced they are going to start working with OpenNTF, this is fantastic news and about bloody time.  So I suppose what I want to see at Lotusphere 2010 is how impressed everyone has been with IBMs work with OpenNTF.

8) More youngsters, 2 people from Nebraska is a good start, we need to see more.

What would you like to see at Lotusphere 2010?


Gravatar Image1 - 2 & 7 I can definately help with - and 8 I already do :)

Gravatar Image2 - Blue Man part 2 in which all the Gurus go blue on stage.

Gravatar Image3 - Warmer weather

Gravatar Image4 - Some 3 star app dev sessions (***)

Demo apps used in sessions that look like Web 2.0 apps, not designed by 10th grade web designer wannabe. (See Mackey's Survey app for a nice example of a great demo). Better yet, for all sessions where this might apply - a single app - shown in OGS then used in all the other sessions. Break it apart, make it REALLY shine. Have non-IBMers get it early to adapt their sessions to this app.

More SHOW sessions

Violinist from '08 Emoticon (sorry, couldn't resist)

Gravatar Image5 - Admins vs Developers tug of war on the beach during the welcome reception

Gravatar Image6 - I'd just like to see myself there actually ;)

Gravatar Image7 - @6 ditto, lol

Gravatar Image8 - I don't think you will see #5 change - as I was in the press room this year, I asked them how they felt about the keynotes spread out. Most of them liked it because it let them have something to write about each day. kept the news spread out. And let's be real: the keynote is not for the faithful, but for the press.

Gravatar Image9 - @8 Keynote is for the press? Have to disagree there John. To some that is the highlight of the event. You don't honestly believe that do you?

If the keynote is aimed at the press then IBM has it's target audience for the OGS messed up and I think they do a really bad job at aiming the content at press.

As one of the top 25 this year, I thought you would have gained a better understanding of how the press are handled, and much of what goes on in the OGS the press already know.

No I have say that I think you're way wrong on that statement.

Gravatar Image10 - This may sound silly, but I want to see food put out between all the sessions not just the afternoon ones. I only made it to the lunch once and was looking for something snack on the rest of the time. How hard would it be to do that?

Oh yeah, can IBM get Disney to hire actual humans instead of Disney-bots to work our show. Emoticon

Gravatar Image11 - @8 John, if IBM think the press is more important than the audience then that means IBM think the wrong people turn up to Lotusphere. (I am not sure of the validity of this, just drawing the logical inference)

Gravatar Image12 - Fully behind you on point 1. Beyond that they should start looking at unified means of deploying their products. Just look at how Quickr J2EE is installed compared to Connections, and yet they use a the same base components.

I'd also like to see bootcamp sessions on WAS & DB2 administration for Domino peeps.

How about releasing a Domino Widget Store, where customers can obtain useful widgets? And leading on from that ban ALL presenters from using a widget example that takes you to Googlemaps! Arrgghh!

Finally, as others have said, I really want to see *me* there in Jan.

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