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Notes 8.0.2 Right Mouse Button not working properly?


Notes 8.0.2 and the double click Right Mouse Button close the window is inconsistent, it works on some emails and not others.  I think the problem is incoming internet emails, where Notes is rendering the email using an Internet Explorer control, this is great for rendering internet e-mails but it makes Notes 8.0.2 inconsistent (yes another inconsistency in the UI). Anyone else noticed this?


Gravatar Image1 - Replicated the same behavior in 8.0.2 on Windows XP. Double right click (to close) in the subject works but not in the body of an HTML email.

Gravatar Image2 - Correct. Same behaviour in 8.0.x also in 8.5 Beta 2.

Gravatar Image3 - I've seen this in 8.01 as well.

Gravatar Image4 - Gah - I'd noticed that double right click wasn't working all the time but hadn't linked it to internet emails - v. v. annoying....

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