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A cute measurement site


This is a cute site.  Did you know 1 foot is CDs, or 1 mile is American football fields.

not useful, but fun to play with.


Gravatar Image1 - Boy, this would have made my life easier 15 years ago!

One of the fun projects I had in my first job out of college was to do something like this for the amount of money that passed through my department (an internal clearinghouse at a large bank). Of course, back in the pre-internet days I had to take my information (somewhere in the low trillions of dollars a day)to the reference room of my local library to comb through atlases and world books and the like to come up with a figure. (And then, after discovering that it was something like 1/3 of the US annual GNP, I went back to work to double-check that I hadn't misplaced a comma somewhere along the way). I forget the exact figure, but we had enough to cover the earth many, many times, or build a pile of dollar bills from here to the moon and back, etc.

Gravatar Image2 - i like this game!

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