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Mussie Shore, remember him?


Mussie Shore shows off Google Friend connect
at the Google campfire one event.


Gravatar Image1 - Google bought Zingku last September { Link }

Mussie Shore and Sami Shalabi { Link } were co-founders. Among other things, Sami was one of the architects of QuickPlace.

Gravatar Image2 - You mean Mr. Hinky Minky?

Gravatar Image3 - @2 that's the one.

@1 Interesting, I didn't know that's how he ended up there. I met Sami a few times when he was one fo the few working on QuickPlace. It's interesting to see home much talent has left IBM to go on and create great things in a more risk taking entrepreneurial atmosphere.

Gravatar Image4 - Here's a good stroll down memory lane over on Ed Brill's blog. Mussie is discussed there, by you and others:
{ Link }

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