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My top 10 Browser shortcuts time savers


I don't know what it is, but it frustrates me when I sit with someone at their computer and they type more than they have to, or they take there hands of the keyboard to find their mouse, move the mouse to a field, click, return hand to keyboard etc.  Anyway, here are my top 10 browser shortcuts that I use all the time that should help you save on typing and moving your hand.  This list works for IE and Firefox.

1. There is no need to type the full URL, for example instead of typing www.microsoft.com you can enter microsoft and then press Ctrl+Enter, I think in the UK this would enter .co.uk instead of .COM.
If you want to autocomplete a .org domain you press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
If you want to autocomplete a .net domain you press Shift+Enter
2. To put the cusor into the Address entry field, press F6
3. To reload the page without using the contents of the cache Ctrl-F5
4. To create a new tab with the default home page of the browser, press Ctrl-T
5. To close the tab you are on Ctrl-W
6. To move back a page in your browser history Backspace
7. To move forward a page in your browser history Shift+Backspace
8. To increase the font size on a page Ctrl plus the + key
9. To Decrease the font size on a page Ctrl plus the + key
10. To shutdown the browser Alt-F4


Gravatar Image1 - Excellent list Carl.

Don't forget that CTRL-PgUp & CTRL-PgDn can also be used to switch between open tabs in Firefox (Dunno if it works in IE7 though).

Gravatar Image2 - For point #1,
You can only enter the root name, IF the host has been configured to properly recognize it. Otherwise you owuld get an error in most cases.
But your point is correct on the suffixes.

Gravatar Image3 - @1 I prefer Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab is it works in both browsers and most windows applications.

Gravatar Image4 - My Faves (haven't tested on IE):

Ctrl+k moves the cursor to the search bar
Ctrl+L moves the cursor to the address bar
Ctrl+0 restores font size to original
Ctrl+Page Up/down moves between open tabs
Alt+Left/Right arrow moves back and fore through history

Most frequent sequence:
Ctrl+T (Home is always about:blank)
Type search terms enter

Gravatar Image5 - Alt+9, on firefox, moves to the last tab - particularly useful if you just "opened on a new tab" and can't see it

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