Sametime performance impacted by Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
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An important technote if you're using Windows 2003 Server as your chosen Operating System for your Sametime servers.
Domino and Sametime performance issues traced to Windows Server 2003 Scalable Networking Pack (#1295167)
An important technote if you're using Windows 2003 Server as your chosen Operating System for your Sametime servers.
Domino and Sametime performance issues traced to Windows Server 2003 Scalable Networking Pack (#1295167)
The following are some examples of how this issue has impacted IBM® Sametime® customers. Keep in mind that the following list is not complete and that symptoms are intermittent. The issue impacts random users periodically. End users may experience one or more of the following problems:
* Sametime client log-ins (Sametime Connect client, Sametime meeting room client, STLinks applications) are intermittently taking up to ten minutes to complete.
* Sametime chat windows are opening slowly when attempting to chat with another user.
* Meeting components are slow (can be refreshing pages or whiteboard).
* In the sametime.log, Stmux reports that it is full.
* Application sharing and screen sharing appear slow or appear to hang.
* Web pages are loading slowly.
Posted by Victor Toal At 09:25:13 AM On 02/20/2008 | - Website - |