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The ice airport is open!


Remember last year, I landed at an ice airport for the first time.  Well I'm excited to say it opened again last week.  Alton Bay Ice Port is open, is plowed to a length of 2500 feet and is 80 feet wide, there is a back taxiway, and a parking area that is also plowed (you know if you read that the wrong way it could sound very dirty).

I've booked a plane for Feb 17th, when they'll be having a Fly-in BBQ.

This was my landing last year:

and the other landing I witnessed from the ground a week earlier:


Gravatar Image1 - I thought you were in Antarctica. My friend is an air traffic controller in McMurdo. If you want to see another ice airport, check out his blog and Flickr:

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Gravatar Image2 - Nice video's Carl. I would guess the tactic is land short use the brakes sparingly. Oh, and don't hit the snow bank.

Gravatar Image3 - @1 Great photos!

@2 My tactic is to walk away Emoticon The thing I found is the brakes are next to useless so pretty much leave them alone.

Gravatar Image4 - That is quite a terrifying strip of tarmac you've found there.

I used to fly a Super Cub back in my young days, and I'd happily pass on Alton Bay.

Got any grass nearby? Emoticon

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