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Sametime Error Codes - What the 0x80001234


This is probably one of the most common questions I hear from people "I'm getting error 0x8000???? from Sametime, what does it mean?".  Well it could mean one of hundreds of things, literally, there are some common ones we get used to seeing like 0x8000207 which means host unreachable.

If you get a negative number back from sametime that doesn't look like one of these numbers, then you'll need to convert it to hex, you can do that in windows Calc.  The following is the list of Sametime error codes, which was taken from the Java toolkit, feel free to use it as a reference, to look up that obscure message.

Click on read more to see list
Error Code Meaning
0 ST_ERROR_VPRESOLVE_OK - The resolve request succeeded
0x00000000 ST_OK - Operation succeeded
0x00000001 ST_PENDING - Request accepted but will be served later
0x00000011 STORAGE_ATTRIB_NOT_EXIST - A request to get some attributes failed because the attributes were never set before and therefore do not exist
0x00000023 ST_CHANNEL_REDIRECT - The channel has been redirected to another destination
0x00010000 ST_ERROR_RESOLVE_PARTIAL_RESPONSE - The resolve process was not completed, but a partial response is available
0x80000000 ST_FAIL - Operation failed
0x80000001 ST_INVALID_REQUEST - Request is invalid due to invalid state or parameters
0x80000002 ST_NOT_CONNECTED - Not logged in to community
0x80000003 ST_UNAUTHORIZED - Unauthorized to perform an action or access a resource
0x80000004 ST_ABORT - Operation has been aborted
0x80000005 ST_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND - The element is non-existent
0x80000006 ST_USER_NOT_FOUND - The user is non-existent
0x80000007 ST_INVALID_DATA - The data are invalid or corrupted
0x80000008 ST_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - The requested feature is not implemented
0x80000009 ST_INTERNAL_ERROR - Unspecified internal error
0x8000000A ST_NO_RESOURCES - Not enough resources to perform the operation
0x8000000B ST_CHANNEL_NONAVAIL - The requested channel is not supported
0x8000000C ST_CHANNEL_EXISTS - The requested channel already exists
0x8000000D ST_SERVICE_NONAVAIL - The requested service is not supported
0x8000000E ST_PROTOCOL_NONAVAIL - The requested protocol is not supported
0x8000000F ST_PROTOCOL_ERROR - The requested protocol is not supported
0x80000010 ST_VERSION_MISMATCH - The version is not supported
0x80000011 ST_INVALID_USER - The user is invalid or not trusted
0x80000012 ST_PARTY_LEFT - The remote or intermediate party left unexpectedly
0x80000013 ST_ALREADY_INIT - Initialization has already taken place
0x80000014 ST_NOT_OWNER - Not an owner of the requested resource
0x80000015 ST_TOKEN_INVALID - Invalid token
0x80000016 ST_TOKEN_EXPIRED - Token has expired
0x80000017 ST_TOKEN_IP_MISMATCH - Token IP mismatch
0x80000018 ST_WK_PORT_IN_USE - WK port is in use
0x80000019 ST_NETWORK_ERROR - Low-level network error occured
0x8000001A ST_NO_MASTER_CHANNEL - No master channel exists
0x8000001B ST_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED - Already subscribed to object(s) or event(s)
0x8000001C ST_NOT_SUBSCRIBED - Not subsrcribed to object(s) or event(s)
0x8000001D ST_ENCRYPTION_FAILED - Encryption is not supported or failed unexpectedly
0x8000001E ST_ENCRYPTION_NOT_INITIALIZED - Encryption mechanism has not been initialized yet
0x8000001F ST_ENCRYPTION_TOO_WEAK - The requested encryption level is unacceptably low
0x80000020 ST_ENCRYPTION_BAD_ARG - The encryption data passed are invalid or corrupted
0x80000021 ST_ENCRYPTION_NO_METHOD - There is no common encryption method
0x80000022 ST_CHANNEL_REDIRECTION_RECOMMEND - The channel is destroyed after a recommendation is made to connect elsewhere
0x80000200 ST_CONNECT_VERSION_MISMATCH - Connection/disconnection errors
0x80000201 ST_CONNECT_NO_RESOURCES - There are no resources to connect
0x80000202 ST_CONNECT_NO_PERMISSION - There is no permission to connect
0x80000203 ST_CONNECT_NO_FILES - Not enough resources for connection
0x80000204 ST_CONNECT_HARDWARE_ERROR - Hardware error occurred
0x80000205 ST_CONNECT_NET_DOWN - Network down
0x80000206 ST_CONNECT_HOST_DOWN - Host down
0x80000207 ST_CONNECT_HOST_UNREACHABLE - Host unreachable
0x80000208 ST_CONNECT_NET_PROTOCOL_ERROR - TCP/IP protocol error
0x80000209 ST_CONNECT_MSG_OVERFLOW - The message is too large
0x8000020A ST_CONNECT_PROXY_ERROR - Proxy error
0x8000020B ST_CONNECT_SERVER_IS_FULL - Server is full
0x8000020C ST_CONNECT_SERVER_NOT_RESPONDING - Server is not responding
0x8000020D ST_CONNECT_CANNOT_CONNECT - Cannot connect
0x8000020E ST_CONNECT_THROWN_OUT - The user has been removed from the server
0x8000020F ST_CONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR - VP protocol error
0x80000210 ST_CONNECT_IN_KICK_MODE - Cannot connect because user has been restricted
0x80000211 ST_CONNECT_BAD_LOGIN - Incorrect login
0x80000212 ST_CONNECT_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION - Encryption mismatch
0x80000213 ST_CONNECT_UNREGISTERED - The user is unregistered
0x80000214 ST_CONNECT_CANNOT_VERIFY - Verification service down
0x80000216 ST_CONNECT_IDLE_TOOMUCH - User has been idle for too long
0x80000217 ST_CONNECT_GUEST_NAME_OCCUPIED - The guest name is currently being used
0x80000218 ST_CONNECT_ALREADY_SIGN_ON - The user is already signed on
0x80000219 ST_CONNECT_SIGNED_ON_AGAIN - The user has signed on again
0x8000021A ST_CONNECT_GUEST_NAME_FORBIDDEN - The name cannot be used
0x8000021B ST_CONNECT_REG_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED - The registration mode is not supported
0x8000021C ST_CONNECT_NOT_PRIVILEGED - User does not have appropriate privilege level
0x8000021D ST_CONNECT_MUST_USE_EMAIL - Email address must be used
0x8000021F ST_CONNECT_DNS_FATAL_ERROR - Fatal error in DNS
0x80000220 ST_CONNECT_SERVER_NAME_NOT_FOUND - Server name not found
0x80000221 ST_CONNECT_BROKEN - The connection has been broken
0x80000222 ST_CONNECT_ABORTED - An established connection was aborted by the software in the host machine
0x80000223 ST_CONNECT_REFUSED - The connection has been refused
0x80000224 ST_CONNECT_RESET - The connection has been reset
0x80000225 ST_CONNECT_TIMEDOUT - The connection has timed out
0x80000226 ST_CONNECT_CLOSED - The connection has been closed
0x80000227 ST_FORCE_LOGOUT_MULTI_SERVERS - Disconnected due to login in 2 Sametime servers concurrently
0x80000228 ST_FORCE_LOGOUT_MULTI_SERVERS_OLD - Maps to 0x80000227; retained for compatibility with Sametime 1.0
0x80000229 ST_FORCE_LOGOUT_NEWER_IP_WINNER - Disconnected due to login from another computer
0x8000022A ST_FORCE_LOGOUT_OLDER_IP_WINNER - Unable to log in because you are already logged on from another computer
0x8000022B ST_CONNECT_NO_HOME_SERVER - Unable to log in because the server is either unreachable or not configured properly
0x8000022C ST_CONNECT_HOME_SERVER_TOO_OLD - Unable to log in to home Sametime server through the requested server, since your home server needs to be upgraded
0x8000022D ST_CONNECT_JAVA_APPLET_STOPPED - The applet was logged out with this reason
0x80000234 ST_CONNECT_TOO_MANY_CLIENT_LOGINS - A second client has logged in but single login mode is enabled - kick off first client
0x80000235 ST_CONNECT_REJECT_FORWARDED_LOGINS - This error is thrown when the user is trying to connect through remote server, but he is allowed only to connect to his home server.
0x80000506 MISSING_TOKEN -
0x80002000 ST_USER_NOT_ONLINE - The user is not online
0x80002001 ST_USER_DO_NOT_DISTURB - The user is in do not disturb mode
0x80002002 ST_LOGGED_IN_DIFFERENT_USER - We can not login because we are already logged in with a different user name
0x80002003 ST_IM_TYPE_RESERVED -
0x80010000 ST_BL_ERROR - Reserved for buddy list
0x80010000 ST_ERROR_CONF_CREATE_FAILED - Conference error
0x80010000 ST_ERROR_DOC_AWARENESS_CREATE_FAILED - Failed to enter the specified place
0x80020000 ST_ERROR_DOC_AWARENESS_ALREADY_IN_DOC - You are already in the specified place
0x80020000 ST_ERROR_RESOLVE_NOT_UNIQUE - The name was found but is not unique
0x80030000 ST_ERROR_DOC_AWARENESS_IS_FULL - Un able to enter the specified place because it is full
0x80030000 ST_ERROR_RESOLVE_UNRESOLVABLE - The name is not resolvable due to its format, for example an Internet mail address
0x80080000 ST_ERROR_CONF_IS_FULL -
0x81020000 ST_ERROR_PLC_FULL -
1 ST_ERROR_VPRESOLVE_NO_MATCHES - No match was found for the resolve request
2 ST_ERROR_VPRESOLVE_NOT_UNIQUE - There was more than one match for the resolve request
3 ST_ERROR_VPRESOLVE_UNRESOLVABLE - The resolve request failed
ST_CONNAGENT_TIMED_OUT_WAITING_AGENT_EXE  - AgentLink timed out while waiting for the StConagentXX.exe to be ready
ST_CONNAGENT_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_MMF_OBJS  - AgentLink unable to create memory mapped file objects
ST_CONNAGENT_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SYNC_OBJS  - AgentLink was not able to create synchronization objects
ST_CONNAGENT_UNABLE_TO_RUN_AGENT_EXE  - AgentLink was not able to create an instance of StConnagentXX.exe
ST_DECLINE_FILE_TRANSFER  - User declined a file transfer request.
ST_ERROR_ACCESSING_FILE  - Error accessing file
ST_ERROR_POLICY_DIRECTORY_ERROR  - Directory error occurred
ST_ERROR_POLICY_INTERNAL_ERROR  - Internal error of the Sametime policy service occurred
ST_ERROR_POLICY_NOT_FOUND  - A policy of a given user can not be found
ST_FILE_EXT_NOT_MATCH  - file extension id not in extension list
ST_FILE_TOO_BIG  - file too big - exceeds maximum limit
ST_FILE_TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED  - file transferring is not allowed
ST_MAX_IM_SESSION_EXCEEDED  - Error sent by Gateway when the number of inomming sessions was exceeded
ST_SCAN_ERROR  - there is a scan error - file was not scanned
ST_SELECTIVESTATUS_LIST_ALLREADY_EXISTS  - SelectiveStatus list already exists.
ST_SERVER_SHUT_DOWN  - Server/Mux has been shut down.
ST_USERINFO_CONNECT_ERROR  - Couldn't connect to userinfo servlet.
ST_USERINFO_DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR  - User info - bad document received from server.
ST_USERINFO_PARSE_ERROR  - User info - internal error, probably missing SAX driver.
ST_USERINFO_UNAVAILABLE  - User info - request for unavailable fields.
ST_USERINFO_UNKNOWN_USER  - User info - request for an unknown user.
ST_VIRUS_FOUND  - a virus was found


Gravatar Image1 - How can I resolve the issue the connection has been broken --- 0x80000221


Gravatar Image2 - You could call IBM support. You have posted no information here that will help anyone resolve your issue, nothing about when you see it, server version, client version, etc. so I'm afraid I can't help.

Gravatar Image3 - im guessing he could call IBM support since there is no useful troubleshooting info on this page anyway. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiishhhhhhhhhhh

Gravatar Image4 - pls i use sametime 7.5 and anytime i wanna log in it says "unable to log in due to incorrect log in credentials" HELP!!!!Emoticon Emoticon Emoticon

Gravatar Image5 - @4 This means your credentials are wrong, ie your name or your password.

Gravatar Image6 - Hey Carl.

Maybe you can help me with an issue on sametime 8.5 on top of domino 8.5 on Cent OS 5.4 (red hat).

I also have an error when accessing a test meeting:
ST_CONNECT_BAD_LOGIN(80000211) and

There is no proxy, installed sametime 3 times now, http tunneling is on, via telnet i can reach every port 80, 1533, 8082 but still no connection.
In the notes client awareness and chat works fine, it's only the browser that gives me problems.

I'm on it for 5 days now but i'm really stuck here...

I can provide you the java log if you want...

Thanks in advance.

Gravatar Image7 - @6 0x80000211 means ST_CONNECT_BAD_LOGIN - Incorrect login

So either the name isn't resolving or the password is not what you think it is.

Most likely it is a poorly setup da.nsf or ldap config in stconfig.nsf

Gravatar Image8 - Thanks for the quick reply Carl, specially because it's easter...

I turned off da now, although no double names found there, and authentication takes place via Notes addressbook, no ldap.

I can authenticate via the website (sametime and intranet) and the server shows my name correctly.

When i open my inotes on server A it wants to connect to the sametime server over port 8082 with an (valid) LtpaToken, but no awareness...

There is another thing i don't understand. When inotes is open and i look at the java console i see that it wants to connect to my local pc on port 80. Ofcourse the connection gets refused, but i think it's strange not?

Gravatar Image9 - Uninstall and reinstall the latest version of Java. This would help most errors.
Most of the time, two versions of Java or a corrupt add-on/update can cause these errors. Emoticon

Gravatar Image10 - Can you help me to solve the following issue???

ST_CONNECT_REFUSED - The connection has been refused

Gravatar Image11 - Hello mr. Carl Tyler!
There can be you can help me
I study Sametime 8.5.1 (domino 8.5.2) and can not connect WebMeeting (IM work fine)

Java Console I find error string
"Logged Out: reason = ST_USERINFO_PARSE_ERROR(80000003): VALUE NOT FOUND"

in domlog.nsf I find document error
"Request: GET /sametime/stmeetingroomclient/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory HTTP/1.0
Status: 404 NOT FOUND (Server could not find the given resource)"

and this I read about
"ST_USERINFO_PARSE_ERROR - User info - internal error, probably missing SAX driver. "

what is a "SAX driver"? where can I find them? How to correct, setup & configure?

Thank you mr. Carl Tyler.

Gravatar Image12 - Hi Carl,

Could an error of 0x8000207 also mean that a client IP is not trusted by the community server cluster ?

I am trying to login as a server app, and am getting this error on a production system, but it works in the lab (where all IP addresses are trusted)

The same app also seems to work if I try and connect via a MUX server.. but that does not get me far.

Gravatar Image13 - Hi Shahed,
No, you would get a different error if you cannot connect due to a trusted issue.

If it works in the lab, the issue is your DNS resolution when you are not in the lab. The hostname for your Sametime server is not resolving.

Try adding the hostname and ipaddress to your hosts file. If you ping the server name does it go to the right IP address? Is port 1516 open to the sametime server? There are the kind of things that cause that error, not a permissions issue.


Gravatar Image14 - Hi Carl,
I have implemented buddylist tool in my company and it worked fine for few months then suddenly it stopped working. Now, when am trying to run a statement on buddylist command screen, it is giving me a warning message "Warning: Could not generate login token Reason: 80000000" and nothing is happening. Please help in resolving this.

Gravatar Image15 - @Ankur,

Your message indicates there is an error generating the Sametime token for login. This typically relates to an incorrect LTPA configuration on the server, or some other configuration issue with the Sametime Community server.

You need to ask people with access to your server what was recently changed to try and find out why your LTPAtoken is now failing.

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