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Have you noticed an increase in Bogus blogs?


I track a lot of useful information through the iWatch appliccation combined with Google Alerts.  Now Google alerts are great, but they're becomming less valuable as they're becomming filled with what I can best describe as spam blogs.  But the real problem is that it's not really in Googles interest to fix them, as they drive revenue dollars for Google.

Take for example this one, the google alert had the title "Lotus Sametime - Real-time. Right Now. Demo - Information" but the link behind the story would take you to a website that shows you tonnes of google adwords. With lots of text combined from various blogs elsewhere, so while it looks like structure English the first sentence maybe talking about Sametime, the second sentence about face creams and the third could be talking about how to cook a turkey at thanksgiving.

So in a way it's self fulfilling, Google want to sell ads and the more people that see the ads is better for Google as they can claim more eyeballs and charge more money.  But at what point will Google Alerts become next to useless as spammers figure out how to get more and more stories delivered, bypassing a companies spam blocker etc?


Gravatar Image1 - Carl,

I noticed the same thing on Technorati. Blogs that ":1 replicate RSS feed content and are loaded with adds Emoticon..

Gravatar Image2 - I've started to spot something like this in trackbacks to my site.

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