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Fake Steve Jobs aka Dan Lyons still bitter about Notes.


A subtle attack on Notes in the Fake Steve Jobs blog
Java developers finally realize the party's over

But I think they don't quite know which party they're talking about. See this screed where some Javatard says Apple has been spitting in his face because we didn't include Java 6 in Leopard. Or something. So he says he's selling his Mac. His headline is, "So long, Apple. The party's over." Well he's right about one thing. The party is over -- the Java party, that is. Glad to see the Javatards have finally figured that out. Word is they're co-sponsoring a support group with Lotus Notes developers. Fun bunch.


Gravatar Image1 - Emoticon Quite an amusing post... but but but, what's this? Have you seen how many serious comments there are in the FSJ blog? Quite worrying...

Gravatar Image2 - Why on earth does anyone read that "blog?" It's not even funny.

If you want to read a secret diary site, check out...

{ Link }
{ Link }

Those are actually funny.

Gravatar Image3 - @2 Honestly I don't read it, the link came through my Google Alerts.

Gravatar Image4 - Honestly, I have been reading as I was waiting for a Notes dig. And he did not disappoint.

I have to agree with Ben. For a satiric (?) blog, I, too, find it disheartening how many people commented not only on Notes, but on most of his posts. And they are taking the blog as gospel.

Scary. Emoticon

Gravatar Image5 - The post actually makes a good point about "Javatards" (kind of).

The amount of whingeing about Java 6 not being in Leopard is unreal. Unless you're building a Java desktop app from the ground-up (and really, who on earth does that in this day and age?!?), Java 5 is enough.

Heck, I'm not off of 1.4.2 yet (thanks Websphere)!

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