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Could you imagine if tech support gave you this advice for computer problems?

Airline sacrifices goats to appease sky god
KATHMANDU - Officials at Nepal's state-run airline have sacrificed two goats to appease Akash Bhairab, the Hindu sky god, following technical problems with one of its Boeing 757 aircraft, the carrier said Tuesday.


Gravatar Image1 - Carl

"heading for the server room with a goat and a knife" is a common expression here in IBM

Gravatar Image2 - Remind me never to fly with them!

Gravatar Image3 - @1 - remind me to stay away from IBM server rooms !

Gravatar Image4 - Could you imagine if tech support gave you this advice for computer problems?

They do!

Gravatar Image5 - Hmmm... I wonder what Richard Branson would sacrifice if one of his airline's planes was having technical problems?

Gravatar Image6 - Goat? Nah, should have been a flying animal no?

Gravatar Image7 - Goat? Nah, should have been a flying animal no?

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