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Are you wondering where all my cell phone pictures went?

You may remember I used to have on the right side of my blog, pictures from the phone. It a service offered by TextAmerica. It was a free service and I basically just emailed pictures from my phone to the account they gave me. Unbeknownst to me and many other textamerica users, textamerica has moved to a paid service and in the process deleted all the pictures we had ever posted. For me that's two different phones and about three years worth of low quality camera photos. Will I be paying for their service from now on? Will I heck, I didn't even get an email telling me this change was happening, only today when I tried to work out why the new photos I posted weren't appearing did I find out about this change. There is a word for TextAmerica and it's 7 letters long.


Gravatar Image1 - The best place in town for all of us is http://www.flickr.com/groups/extamerica/

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