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Thanks Matt...

for nothing, ha. Matt White (can anyone tell me what 11tmr means?) asked me to do the Five things you don't know about me.

It raises interesting questions, how much should I share, what if someone wants to steal my identity (as long as they replace it with a better one I don't mind)? Anyway, here are my five things.
  1. People filing their nails freaks me out. I get cold sweats just thinking about it, it's right up there with someone running their nails down a blackboard. Talking of blackboards, I also hate the feel of chalk and that blackboard eraser.
  2. I played violin in the United Kingdom Scout and Guide Symphony Orchestra
  3. At college I had the nickname Shotgun King, my parents must have been so proud
  4. I was playing in a concert with Chinnor Silver Band, and before the last song ended I had to get up and leave otherwise I would have peed my pants. I learnt an important lesson that day that I still use today, pee before you perform
  5. I sold my Lotus shares, two days before IBM bought us, it saved me a lot in taxes.

My five nominations to complete their 5 things are: Tony Cocks, Tony Palmer, Alan Bell, Tim Browne, Adam Gartenberg


Gravatar Image1 - gosh, I guess I had better think of something to say then!

Gravatar Image2 - Who's "Michael" White?

Gravatar Image3 - Good point I had a phone call form a Michael at the same time I was writing this...I must try and do one thing at a time.

Gravatar Image4 - Well now I've moved house I suppose it's Ok to say that the 11TMR was my old address, 11 Tower Mill Road. I know, smacks of a certain lack of imagination but it does have the bonus of putting me at the top of alphabetically sorted blogrolls!


Gravatar Image6 - well, you and just about everyone else I know has blogged this topic so I broke down and caved to peer preasure ... http://thesalmonfarm.org/blog/2007/01/08/five-things-you-dont-know-about-me/

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