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This hint and tip is from Jeff at 3m.

Jeff is a graduate of the Collaboration University, and look he's now writing his own Sametime hints and tips

One of the things that came up at the Collaboration University during the session on customizing the Sameitme Meeting center, is that when you schedule a meeting on a 1024x768 screen, the button that saves the meeting appears off the screen at the bottom, so the user has to scroll down. It's a small thing but pretty irritating. Here's is Jeff's solution:

I decided that what i can do is make the buttons available at the top of the form as well as the bottom. The following code in the frmconference form will put the button on the left and the meeting title in the middle.
<div id="tabHeader"><table width="600">
<tr><td width="200" valign="top">
<input type="button" onClick="checkForm()" accesskey="S" value=""> <input
type="button" onClick="history.go(-(1+ ))" value="">
</td><td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" width="400"><a name="main"

His other hint and tip relates to many of the strings you see within Sametime. These can be changed by modifying the STConfStrings.properties file. Then when the server restarts, it will use the strings with any updates you have added

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