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I feel very humbled...

I have just read Adeleida Bingham's write up of the Collaboration University that took place, and I think it's the most comprehensive writeup of my presentation style (who knew I had one?) I have ever read. I do pride myself on trying to convey information in a fun and entertaining manner whilst still getting the point across, so it is very gratifying to read that I do, and Adeleida, I did use VMware for 95% of my demos and code snippets etc.

The Collaboration University had a great group of people attend and I had a lot of fun interacting with all of you, except for the one guy who tried to eat food in my class without asking permission, you had to be there, but man did that make me laugh


Gravatar Image1 - "you had to be there"
I WAS there, and it WAS funny! Unfortunately (mainly for Carl probably) I was sitting at the front, so didn't work out who the culprit was

Come on ... own up ... we know you're out there ...

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