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Welcome to Kansas or should I say Missouri

I'm in Kansas this week visiting a customer, a nice bunch of folks with a very cool office, very dot com style, but here today and still in business and doing well. Kansas City is very confusing though, when you arrive, you arrive at Kansas City airport which is actually in Missouri. Kansas City is one of those strange cities that straddles state lines, what were you Americans thinking? Weather is grey an overcast and a little sticky.


Gravatar Image1 - Oh dear. People think that don't they.

Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS are two completely different cities, unlike Texarkana. The one in MO was there first, and the one in KS was founded in an effort to trick east coast investors into investing. Or so I've heard. But anyway, they don't have much to do with each other than a shared bit of state line. Overland Park is the larger suburb.

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