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Does anyone know of a game for the PC like this?

I was thinking of a TV show that used to be on many many moons ago called name that tune, so I got to thinking does anything like this exist for the PC? Here's my idea, people have hundreds of MP3s on their PCs (OK I admit it I have none). the game could randomly pick an MP3 from the collection, give a hint to the song by giving it's genre and year published, and then the players could bid on who could name the tune in the least number of seconds. Has anyone seen anything like this?


Gravatar Image1 - Not on the PC, but already [sort of] on the iPod. You don't get the clues, but under Extras there is an option called Music Quiz. The train journey has to be really boring to get to this though!

Wikipedia - Music Quiz - an interactive music quiz featuring the user's own songs. The game plays a portion of a random song in the iPod's library and prompts the user to identify it from a list of 5 (or of 4 on the iPod mini) choices. A song drops off the list every few seconds. The less time the user requires to correctly identify the song, the more points he or she earns. Music Quiz became available through a free firmware update for 3rd generation iPods released in October 2003 and later came standard with the iPod mini and 4th generation iPods. No record is kept of the score, and there is no limit on the number of songs played. However, the songs begin to repeat after the first 100. Music Quiz requires rapid disk seeking and therefore uses a lot of battery power.

Gravatar Image2 - On Mac you can get this http://freshsqueeze.com/products/rockstar/

Gravatar Image3 - The iPod Nano already has this feature

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