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Redbook documentation error

Oh no, an error in the Redbook I was co author of. Well it was bound to happen, I was using the sacred scrolls of Sametime Development the other day (Lotus Instant Messaging/Web Conferencing (Sametime): Building Sametime Enabled Applications) as a customer wanted some tweaks to their Sametime Meeting Center, one of them being email notification of meeting details. No problem, as I knew that was one of the chapters that was written in Redbook (Chapter 11.4). All seemed to work well, except when a user entered a password for the meeting. If a user entered a password, they would be prompted and asked if they wanted to send a meeting email, but the form to enter the details would never appear. Remove the password and all was good. It turned out to be the omission of a step in the Redbook, so if anyone is going to make a similar customization, then here is the key item that is missing in the changes that are required the SametimeWebQuerySave agent.

Print |Content-Type: text/html|
' Remove the leading ( and trailing ) and just use the 32 character hashed values
Print |Set-Cookie: | + Mid$(resultenc(0),2,32) + |=| + Mid$(note.Password(0),2,32) + |;path=/|Print |Content-Type: text/html|

' *** start: customization ***
If (ShouldReturnInvitationForm(note) = False) Then
' *** end: customi' *** end: customization ***

If note.User_Name(0) = "Anonymous" Then
Print |Location: | & pathreldb & |meeting/| & Cstr(idVal) & |?opendocument| 
Print |Location: | & pathreldb & |meeting/| & Cstr(idVal) & |?opendocument&login| 
End If
' *** start: customization ***
End If
' *** end: customization *** 

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