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I wonder how long it will be...

until we see this used as the excuse to invade/bomb Iran.

Iranian weapons are found in Iraq


Gravatar Image1 - My thoughts exactly.

Gravatar Image2 - While this may sound strange coming from me, Mr. Vast Right Wing! (lol), I think we should all just pull completely out of that region and let them all deal with their own problems! I remember when W first ran in 2000 that he wanted to have more of an isolationist policy.

Well, we have completed the Iraq policy that Bill Clinton introduced in 1998 to rid Iraq of Saddam. I say once they finish his trial that we all just cut and run. I'm tired of America (and England, to a degree) having to be the ones to bail everyone out! Is it currently or will it be a Vietnam? NO! We lost more in 3 days in Nam than we've lost in 2.5 years in Iraq. It's a different war. Heck, we're just now pulling out of places like Germany.

Just my 2 cents...

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