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Massive layoffs boost morale?

Can anyone cite any situations where massive layoffs in a company have boosted employee morale? Maybe if a company laid off the entire board, or the CEO, but reading this article, you have to wonder about analysts...
Hewlett-Packard said Tuesday it will slash its work force by 14,500 jobs, or about 10 percent


"They've gotten themselves in fighting shape here," said Caris & Co. analyst Mark Stahlman, who said the announcement should eliminate uncertainty in the workforce as well. "I think this is going to give a big boost to morale internally."

It may boost the Morale for people who hold stock in the company, but I sincerely doubt it is going to boost morale for the workforce.


Gravatar Image1 - Well, maybe a temporary boost for those people not directly involved the layoffs. Someone else got fed to the tigers first.

This story hasn't gotten a lot of press, has it? I suppose that's not shocking given the Karl Rove, Joe Roberts Supreme Court nomination and all the hurricanes are competing with it. Good time to lay off a gob of people, I guess.

What does this say about the industry? Anything?

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