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The Supreme court are nuts

Supreme Court rules against file swapping - the reason I think they're nuts is where does this stop? You can share files in many other ways without having to use Peer2Peer. You can share files using an FTP server or a web server, will web server and FTP vendors now be responsbile for how people use their software? How about the makers of cabling? the physical cable must be promoting the illegal copying of music as it can be used for that, they must pay too. The music industry is a lot like the Software industry used to be, they charge too much for their product which leads to excessive illegal copying, at some point someone takes the gamble of pricing the product lower to sell more volume, Borland did it with Quattro Pro and $495 per user products were never seen again. It also saw the end of Free Support but did lead to a big decrease in illegal use of software within businesses.


Gravatar Image1 - LOL! You may have some points there. I also like the court's ruling that local governments can confiscate our private property just because a new project (be it housing or business) can generate more tax revenue than our vacant property...

Gravatar Image2 - Yes there was an interesting bit on PBS about Eminent Domain. quite worrying for home owners. Big business wins again.

Gravatar Image3 - Yeah, it's not just that big business is winning, but the political party that's generally against big business is actually the one sitting back and allowing government and big business to work together to confiscate land. Talk about irony - one would thing that conservatives would be all for this confiscation, but it's actually the liberals who are behind it. I guess in the name of getting more tax revenue...

Gravatar Image4 - What's wrong with Eminent Domain. It sounds legitimate that Govt can grab land/property in some cases for the good of many. As long as the govt provides fair compensation. How can one expect highways/train lines, etc to be built otherwise. And the supreme court ruling seems justified, when the vast majority of P2P users are using it in an illegal way.

Gravatar Image5 - That use of Eminent Domain is fine (unless it's my house) The change in the law is that lets say you want to build a shopping mall, but you refuse to sell your house to the developer, now a private company can get your house through eminent domain.

Gravatar Image6 - Well, a Shopping mall that brings goods to thousands of Happy shoppers, and jobs in the community (and Tax revenue), can be considered for the Public good, just like a Highway, or a train line.

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