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Back in Paris...

getting things ready for my trip back next week, and it's seems safe to say Spring has arrived, the daisies are out, there are picnics on the lawns, roller blades are whizzing and I am no longer the only person walking around in shorts and a T-shirt. Had a nice argument with British Airways yesterday about a "non refundable" internet ticket. Which I did manage to get refunded and I will now be travelling back to the US with American Airways and not British Airways. The reason for this is basically the way that handle pets and how much notice they require before accepting the pet. So screw them I'm now travelling with my preferred partner anyway.

So a few people have asked me exactly what I was asked during my immigration interview, and as it was so short I'd thought I'd write it down, unlike an interrogation type interview the whole interview was a bit like visiting a post office in that it was all done through a glass window with a teller, so here you go it wasn't very exciting...

US Interviewer: Carl Tyler?
Me: Yes.
US Interviewer: So how do you say this? Invertrex, inveetrex, weetabix?
Me: In - VIT- TRIX
US Interviewer:Ah, OK. So you've had a visa before?
Me: Yes a L1, E2 and H1
US Interviewer: Hhmm, let me take your fingerprints
Me: OK
US Interviewer: Push a little harder
Me: OK
US Interviewer: Thanks. So do you want a Greencard?
Me: Not sure, something to think about.
US Interviewer: OK I'll approve your application, take your blue sheet to the courier desk
Me: OK thanks.

So as you can see, no probing questions about my feelings towards George Bush, or how often I visit the local Mosque, she was very friendly though.

I suppose if you can stand in line for 3+ hours and not go berserk then you must be in good standing.

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