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I am often asked


as I'm sure many other partners are, how companies are using our products within their organizations.  Well one of the most recent additions to our product family is Instant Queue Manager which allows a group of people to appear as a single entity, HR Helpdesk, IT Helpdesk etc.  Well using Queue Manager it is very easy to add a link to a queue on your website using STLinks, and to your regular Buddylist.  But where it can become really valuable is when you can give access to a queue when people most need it, filling in that expense form, updating your 401k, you get the idea.

A great way of getting this in place help is using the new IM support within the notes 6.5.x client, whilst you could put the link within a form, or in place within a view, you can also add it to an action toolbar using @Command( [SendInstantMessage] ; names).  It would be great if there was an @function to check if you were logged onto IM and if you weren't hide the button, but that isn't there yet.

By doing this can you can provide access to the Queue from within Forms and Views, as can be seen here.
A picture named M2

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