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Checking the Lotusphere agreement today and a few rules and regulations made me laugh...

When you sign up for Lotusphere you sign a pretty funky agreement (one which I'm sure IBM legal would never let an IBMer sign), anyway, here are a few of the rules that make me laugh, they are not really new, but I am still amazed we agree to them each year...

All booth personnel shall dress in Business or Business Casual attire. Business Casual is defined as slacks and polo-style shirts with company logos . Costumes of any type, bathing suits and scantly clad representatives are prohibited.

I guess peple wont get to see me in a speedo at the booth after all. Sorry folks.
Obstruction of Aisles/Noise: Any demonstration or activity that results in excessive obstruction of aisles or prevents ready access to nearby participating Exhibitors pedestals shall be suspended for any periods specified by management. Management will monitor sound and noise levels in the pedestals and will request the Exhibitor to either reduce the noise level or eliminate it if Management feels that it is detrimental to the surrounding pedestals.

This one I love, because imagine you had a really hot booth, great demos and everyone was queueing to see your stuff, Management could close it down
Amendment and Addition to Rules: Any matters not specifically covered by the preceding rules shall be subject solely to the decision of Management. Management may at any time amend or add further rules, and all amendments made shall be binding on the Exhibitor together with the foregoing rules and regulations.

This is my favourite one, it reminds of those jokes about womens rules, you know where the last one says, "As a woman we have the right to change any and all of the above rules". I hope they don't add something like "During showcase hours, you will not be allowed to talk to customers in case people at other boothes are trying to sleep...


Gravatar Image1 - I'm sure it is sexist, but I remember fondly the years when bikini-clad booth babes were a great draw at some pedestals. Management clearly has no sense of fun.

Gravatar Image2 - Apparently management did understand fun as as the Mickey Mouse hotel police will always do, if it is not family fun, then there will be none. Of course I have now been to employee parties onsite and well, those are more than fun.

Gravatar Image3 - Bring back Lotusphere Europe, betters parties, negligable rules and real beer!

And for those that remember European Technical Conference - Maastricht, now that was rocking - still getting over the hang over !

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