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Meaningless weight?

staying in hotels you see a lot of crap commercials, following on from the Robo-maid commercial is one for Cortislim, here's a great quote from their spokesman Dr. Greg Cynaumon aka snake oil salesman, here's what this "Doctor" says "There are diet pills that lure you into thinking you are losing fat when all you've lost was meaningless weight,". What the hell is meaningless weight? So continuing on from "I'm not fat I'm big boned" the new saying is "It's not fat, it's just meaningless weight"


Gravatar Image1 - Love it!! Maybe it's the new catchphrase for "water weight"

Gravatar Image2 - Hey its about time you started your "Meaningless Weight Loss" graph again. I miss it so much - I looked forward to viewing it............. Dad

Gravatar Image3 - I am going to expose Greg Cynaumon and Cortislim.
From the initial onslaught last year until now I have tapes and letters from this bottomfeeder. The tapes are of the BS lies on radio and correspondense is from Dr.G
himself. My Blog is Medical Crapery get ready this guy is a gem or if a diamond in goats butt.

Gravatar Image4 - Well since my last comment you can see Greg Cynaumon has pulled his website's been nailed by the
FDA,FTC,State of California for fraud and the Class
Action lawsuit is coming along. He still has some
stringy haired blond asking you to jump off the scale and leave the unhappest club on earth and join there
club. You gotta admit his Infinity Marketing is funny.
Can you believe Shawn Talbott Phd. was also lead down the path of shisterism by this guy. I give the U of Utah
3 more months before Talbott gets a promotion a
good junior college or maybe he could revitalize Cynaumons alma mater -Sierra University of Costa
Mesa, California.

Gravatar Image5 - http:medicalcrapery.blogspot.com

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