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July 2nd will make it a year since I started this blog experiment

I am trying to decide whether to keep doing it or spend my time doing something more meaningful. Let me know your thoughts.


Gravatar Image1 - My two cents would be to keep it up. I enjoy your mix of tech and Tylerettes, and besides, I promoted this site in an upcoming article!

Gravatar Image2 - I vote for continuing, too. But in the spirit of "do as I do, not as I say", I should point out that taking a break every now and then isn't such a horrible thing. I've had several longish breaks from my own blogging, and my hit rates are still pretty decent.


Gravatar Image3 - I say keep it up. I like having a variety of voices in the community and your insight into the IM world is pretty unique and valuable in my opinion. My thought is do it for yourself though. If you don't feel you are getting anything out of it, then I wouldn't do it. Myself however, I really gets tons back from doing it, so I don't want to see anyone leave. If you are getting burned out, do as Richard said and take a break!

Gravatar Image4 - Come On ! You've got to keep it going - my morning ritual ...

Wander into office, bemoaning the weight of the 'laptop' under my arm

Fire up machine, find something to do for 15 mins while XP boots

Click on to BBC news to see which latest England sporting hero(s) has flopped

Click on to Carl's blog and quite often say goodbye to an hour or so as I follow interesting links to those faraway corners of the net ...

Don't even take a break - Coronation Street, Eastenders, Panorama, Carl's Blog ...

Gravatar Image5 - I say keep it up! It's enjoyable for those of us who read it, and I'd guess you'd miss doing it, too. Curious what you mean by "something more meaningful," though.

Keep blogging!

Gravatar Image6 - Hey you can't stop now. I find out more about what's going on via this site than anyother way - Dad and it makes me smile

Gravatar Image7 - You mustn't stop now. Without it how can we keep up with your parents and nieces??!! Although you could do us all a favor and cut the soccer bits --I mean who really cares?? Go Packers!!

<>tim, deb and piper

Gravatar Image8 - My Two cents leans towards you keeping it going. I am a fan of your site but since I setup a blog a few months ago, I realise how much time this project takes up on you. I would say take a break for a month or two (or even delegate postings to a fellow techie for a while) if you need a rest. But try not to quit. Your insights are appreciated (except for the soccer ones!!)

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