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Late entry...

Took a while to find some time to blog today. Last night on the radio I was listening to an interview with a guy from the British police force saying that if they had a DNA database of everybody, they would have been able to stop a person from committing 11 more crimes against women. So the question to myself was would I be willing for my DNA to be in a database? This would have some benefits of ensuring I was never considered involved in a crime where there was DNA evidence, but then there is also that situation where we know that things get screwed up, wrong names attached to records, computer error, human error and the whole concern that someone gets this data and uses it for something.

So after thinking about it for a while, I'm not sure if I would or wouldn't put myself in the DB. I don't mind being in the blood donor or bone marrow database as I see it's usage as something different. It is a question that makes you think though.


Gravatar Image1 - There's the additional problem that if you ever decide to go on a scrime spree, you would be caught way too quickly. I don't know about you, but I like to leave my options open.

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