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Update on the Advisor award

Here's what they had to say...

Instant Agent Framework is a simple tool for building and deploying IM bots. The often over-used phrase "no programming required" isn't just a slogan, but reality. In minutes, a novice user can implement a powerful robot for a variety of purposes. Instant Technologies also has a compelling alternative to the Lotus Instant Messaging (Sametime) Connect client with its new Instant TeamMessenger. This client provides many of the IM capabilities lacking in Sametime, such as emoticons, while maintaining the robust infrastructure and security inherent in Sametime. Coupled with an archiving capability, TeamMessenger lets an organization committed to the robustness and security of Sametime take IM to the next level.

Obviously a big thank you to the editors that selected us.


Gravatar Image1 - Congratulations!!!

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