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No offense but...

the American system of picking a leader for a party to compete in the Presidential elections is just screwed up. So I left for England back in the middle of December, for months prior to that all the news here has been covering has been the democratic parties candidates for president, now I'm back and nothing has changed, now it's bad enough that this whole process is so long winded, but the real thing that is screwed up is how people in the same party are constantly attacking each other.

Fortunately I can't vote over here, so can't be blamed for the election results, but who in the world thinks that it's good for the democrats to be attacking each other, whilst the Republicans sit idly by rubbing their hands in glee. Obviously this is not just a Democrat vs Republican thing, as the same happens when a Democrat is in power, I just can't see how this makes any sense. Slag off the person who is supposedly someone in the same party so you can win your parties nomination, but in the process have so much damage done to your credibility that you stand no chance of being elected.

Also for such an "efficient" country, how can Americans make this process take so long?

Now that immigration has my photo and finger prints I should probably be even more careful about what I say To be honest I don't mind giving my finger prints etc at all, I have always felt the same about things like state IDs, if I'm not doing anything wrong what do I care if they know who I am? The trouble with the latest finger printing policy at immigration is that it makes no sense. People coming in as visitors for less than 90 days on the visa waiver program do not get their pictures or finger prints taken, can these people not be terrorists too? Whereas someone like myself that has been through the long winded Visa approval process, already had my picture taken has his finger prints taken, where is the logic in that?

Talking of terrorists, watched an eery video when I was at my brothers, back in 1992 I think it was, I rented a British Airways 747-400 flight simulator for an hour for my brother and Dad for Christmas, this is the same simulator that the British Airways pilots train in, full movement amazing graphics, and cost about $20 million each. What was eery, was the first flight my brother did, he took of from JFK, and the British Airways pilot had him fly towards Manhattan, his first way point the Empire State building, he flew through the empire state building and then between the twin towers, around the Statue of Liberty and then through the South twin tower. At the time, this was just something that every person that rented the simulators would do, watching it now it was a really bizarre feeling. I did think twice before posting this paragraph, as if the wrong person reads it, the US government can now send me to Cuba with no rights whatsoever, but who I am to be scared by men in black coats. I feel pretty safe, but if I was an Arabic looking chap, I wonder if I'd be willing to post what we had done, and even have video evidence to prove?


Gravatar Image1 - Carl, you're absolutely right the election process is screwy and inefficient. But this is a result of the decay of a constitutional Republic into a socialistic Democracy. In the good old days, the legislature was selected in tiers. The representatives by the public, the Senators by the state senates. The loosing presidential candidate in the election became the vice president. All of this fostered a most civil process. As society has declined to madness of the masses, it has neccesarily become more drawn out, more 'common-denominator' in it's practices and appearance. And yeah, it's a mess. I wish we could have stuck with the original plan.

Gravatar Image2 - I see its been announced today that from October all visitors to the USA will need a new type of passport which I believe will contain finger prints and a visa. The UK government is asking for a waiver for UK citizens until later as they do not believe its douable in the time frame. Also if the process is time consuming many potential visitors to the US will give it a miss. Its like the old days when we had to get a visa to visit the US, it required a visit to the US Embassy in London and a long wait in line outside irrespective of the weather. Don't think many holiday makers will put up with this - so potentally a big financial lose to the US Tourist Industry.

Gravatar Image3 - Before I saw your "Dad"s comments, I was going to respond with something similar.
I posted the details here: http://www.osmond-riba.org/lis/journal/2004_01_04_j_archive.htm#107357518570937045

Existing machine-readable passports are ok with fingerprinting
They're changing the passports in October to a spec that hasn't been finalized, so folks in the UK with those passports will need to pay extra for their visas.

What I'm getting out of it is to make sure your passport is up-to-date before October.

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