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F.U.D. not just a Microsoft tool

So it used to be that Microsoft was considered the king of F.U.D. (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt), but now I think the top spot has to have been taken by the current administration. Listening to the justifications for the current war in Iraq, you have to wonder which world they are living in. Even though Bush has now admitted that there is no link between Sadam Hussein and September 11th, the Administration still refers to them in the same sentences as a justification for the War.

Anyway, the reason I got onto this thought today, was that i was interested recently when Donald Rumsfeld was in Iraq and touring a "death chamber", and saying how barbaric this is and how the US administration is going to turn Iraq into a civilized country. My thought here is not that I dislike America, or that I hate living here, as both those statements are incorrect, but I do dislike hypocrisy, and these tactics do scream of hypocrisy, wasn't George Bush one of the biggest users of Death Chambers in Texas?? So I did a little research, and the deaths in Iraq each day of soldiers and Iraqi citizens are terrible, but did you know that approx 27 US citizens are shot each day by fellow US Citizens, approximately 10,000 each year, and these figures were taken from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, so not some anti NRA lobby group.

Add on top of that Bush's request for 87 Billion to clean up a mess he made, and you can start to understand why US Citizens are started to wonder what this guy is up to.

I can hear the black helicopters now...


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Thanks to Google, I was able to find your website with the search word "anti-NRA". After visiting your site, I got the impression you might like to read about a celebrity, who incurred the ire of the National Rifle Association. The celebrity I have in mind is both a super model and a pitch woman for Pepsi.

Before proceeding any further, you might like to know whether I have any credentials. If so, pull up the aforementioned search engine, and then input the search phrase, with quote marks and all, "A. Alexander Stella". Upon your doing so, the monitor screen will fill with references.

And, as for information about Cindy Crawford, you need only click on the following U.R.L:


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