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Quick Survey

QuickImage Category
A few years ago there was a survey done, where English people were asked:

If England was in the World Cup final, would you:
a) Rather have sex with the person of your dreams or
b) Pass on the the sex and watch England.

Suprisingly (or not suprisingly), some huge amount of men about 90%+ chose to watch their team in the World Cup final over the sex, the small precentage that chose the sex, were computer geeks who worked out statistically that their odds for getting sex were less than England getting into the World Cup final.

So the question is this Red Sox and Cubs fans.

If the Red Sox or the Chicago Cubs get to the Word Series final, would you:
a) Rather have sex with the person of your dreams or
b) Pass on the the sex and watch your team.

Just reply with a comment, as I don't have the cool little polling thing working yet.


Gravatar Image1 - Well, thats easy: Since it is well known by everyone who knows me that I don't give a rats ass about watching ANY sports (OK, except FIFA soccer matches ), I'd go for the sex. But I am sure there are "multi-threaders" out there, who watch the baseball game WHILE having sex.....geez

Gravatar Image2 - Blind guys don't do sports. I take the sex! Right Gayle?

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