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It's been one week...

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so what's the deal.. Well this Atkins diet is slower than the other diets I've done in the past, but I'm willing to be patient. According to the Ketostix I an now have medium ketone, which didn't actually happen till yesterday so that may explain the slow start, but the thing you're all interested in is has there been any weight loss? Drum roll...

Well the answer is yes, in this first week I have lost 1.08%, which is not great but it's in the right direction, and if the loss continued at this rate, I would be close to my first target of 15% by end of October. Plus I'm hoping ths coming week the ketosis will increase, and the colour of the little stick will go very dark.


Gravatar Image1 - Seems like you are really working hard on that diet Carl. Don't stress the number of kg's or %. It will just take some time. The body got to understand what it's about to do :) GET A SHOCK !!! Hope you do well !

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